Monday, January 24, 2011

Hello Mr. Kris Kuksi

Don't feel like rambling today. lets keep it short ;)

So, this last Friday, i went to the book signing of Kris Kuksi, a crazy sculptor from Kansas. Whether you like his craziness or not, I'd still like to share his works, simply because HE'S ONE OF A KIND!!!!

i say his art is like a BIG LOUD party when skulls, politics, boners, sex, religion and history all get together. I don't know the story of each art, but as far as i know, most if not all of his works are politics related.

Anyways. here we go:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bird nests make me smile. They do!!

For the past year and half or so, I noticed my growing fondness for birds. They are absolutely mysterious... can see them, but can't touch. They jump and fly in front of you for a minute, just as you catch an eye contact, they fly away. What a tease!!

Being a Virgo, I have to find a reason for everything, right? My obsession for gorillas stem from my idea that - they are the basic core of human nature, stripped away the civilization AND how they are so big, yet so gentle... Well, I was wondering why I liked birds.... It really didn't take long for me to realize that - Birds symbolize FREEDOM in a city-world.

Having this new fondness for birds, all of a sudden, they are everywhere... So, this weekend i was walking the shelter dogs in Glendale as usual. I couldn't stop hearing the beautiful meeping sounds from these birds, and that itself, sent me such a contentment that put the biggest smile on me.

I had to take a picture of this - the reveal of a bird nest, after the falling leafs.

The purpose of a bird nest is to keep the eggs warm and the little birds in place, yes. It is also to protect the little birds from predators by hiding in camouflage. The fact that this bird nest is so well seen in plain sight because of the falling leafs, is a privilege of mine!!

Of all bird nests.... nothing beats a weaver bird nest.... First of all, they get their names by the way they build their nests - duh...weaving!! The stuff they come up with is absolutely amazing!!!

Lets take a look at how they do it!!! Oh... how I love Weaver Birds!!! <3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I think you should like rats!

jeez. been really really really sick for the last 4 days. fever went as high as 102 and some nights I think i started hallucinating. Did nothing except sleeping and going to the doctor and dreaming about the beautiful African land. Only until last night, I finally dragged myself out of bed to see a friend in town, and stopped by the Pet store to get some cat food.

I could never resist these little creatures every time I go to the pet store. 

yes, they are rats!! woo...rats! look at those little toes with those little nails. I just want to put those feet in my hands and warm them up!! lets learn something about rats today, shall we not??!!!

lets see....

In many countries, rats are hunted and eaten. Some of these places are Vietnam, China, Thailand, Ghana..etc. However, if you travel to India, rats are viewed as the vehicle of Lord Ganesha:

In the Temple of Ganesha, you can always find a rat statue. Rats are also roaming around. Any food that's been touched, eaten by the rats are considered a blessing from God.

In the Chinese Astrology, rats are the first of the 12 animals signs. Those who were born in the year of the rat, were, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. People born in the year of the rat are known for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They are considered smart, sociable, goal oriented, thrifty with money, courageous and a perfectionist. They are usually easily angered and love to gossip.

In the European Culture, rats have a more negative connotation, due to the Black Death in 1348. Three years later into the epidemic, 25%-50% of the European population had been affected by the disease.

Rats see colors too!!! But they do have a red-green color blindness and their color saturation is quite faint. To them, colors are far less important than the brightness.

Anyways... enough of me rambling about rats.... rats are cute, beautiful, and under-appreciated.  Here are some reasons why you should fall in love with a rat:

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

so much beauties in this world

Wow. Im back from Africa!!! Did this all really happen??!

Did I seriously walk on the soft Sahara Desert sand in Tunisia? Did I really get on a horse of an Arabian Nomad who was probably a Berber? Did I really see the Mideterranean Sea in person? Did I really flew to Uganda and drove 9 hours into the rain forest to trek some gorillas? Did I seriously mountain hike for 6 hours straight just to hang out with a silverback for an hour? Did I really just meet some most amazing people from all over the world? AND what did I come back with? Have I been enlightened like I wanted it to be?


No. I wasn't Enlightened. I did not get some new life changing perceptions of life. I realized I actually had it all figured out long before, but I simply forgot. I forgot who I was. I forgot how to be happy. I forgot the other side of the world, the world that's outside of my life. I forgot that life is always changing, and beauties are STILL around me everyday. I forgot how to search for those beauties in life. I forgot how to love myself. I forgot how different we all are and how it makes me unique from everyone else. I forgot that I AM ENOUGH.


In the hours of traveling from places to places, I re-found my self worth. I saw beauties in this world again. I shall never forget to search for all the wonders the universe has to offer.


In turn, I also found the purpose of this blog. Please join me on this journey to appreciate all the little things we found in life. We might come to see things differently and learn a thing or two about the most random stuff.

This is when and where it all started.